Expanding at an overwhelming speed.
FIT-EASY's growth strategy.

Currently operating 169 stores nationwide!

*As of August 31, 2024

Hokkaido2 stores Tohoku6 stores Kanto17 stores
Koshinetsu11 stores Hokuriku7 stores Tokai104 stores
Kansai5 stores Chugoku4 stores Shikoku4 stores
Kyusyu-Okinawa9 stores


FIT-EASY's growth
in terms of number
of stores and members

Over the past five years, FIT-EASY's store count has continued to expand significantly, and the company plans to open even more stores in the future.
Accordingly, membership continues to grow steadily, and FIT-EASY, an amusement fitness club, is leading a new form of fitness club.

We will continue to make great strides to fit into our customers' lives, aiming to be closer and more convenient.

Number of out-of-store pushes

Number of members


Unrivaled amusement
with unrivaled attention
to detail

Freeing you from the obligation of training, you can have fun while getting fit and achieving your goals. To achieve this, we focus on the needs of our users and are constantly expanding our new facilities.

Evolving services
based on user feedback

Constant innovation in amusement based on the requests of 100,000 people accumulated since opening.

O2 Room
with 83% utilization rate

The "O2 Rooms" which soothe both body and soul, have a high customer satisfaction rate of 83%.

Speedy service
introduction system

By building the system in-house, the speedy introduction of services is possible.

12 services introduced
in response to needs

Since its inception in 2018, 12 new services have been introduced. More are still being prepared.

Go to service site


To a "third place"
that is neither at home nor at work

In Japan, exercise is strongly perceived as "forging and training = tough and painful" and this cultural barrier is thought to exist in the diffusion of fitness clubs.

In recent years, however, many people have begun to actively embrace exercise as awareness of the benefits of fitness in preventing disease and improving mental health has spread.

In these days when lifestyles and values are diversifying, we do not see exercise as an obligation. We are a new form of fitness club that incorporates elements of amusement and entertainment, where people can maintain their health while having fun, and where FIT-EASY is your third place after home and work. We will continue to propose innovations to society.

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